Monday, May 18, 2009

Omenako School Project

I just wanted to post some amazing news. Phase one of the school project is completed! A proper roof is now in place. The children have taken it upon themselves to jump ahead of us and have begun plastering the walls. The next move will be installing doors and windows, so that the building may have some security.

To be honest, I got very emotional when I saw the pictures of the new roof. I started the idea that led to this and for reasons I cannot fathom a "small army" was created to fight for this idea. Make no mistake, while I may have helped create this army, I do not lead it. All credit must go to others who created the financial infrastructure, and to those who are doing the work within Ghana, and all of the generous donors. I will be posting some pictures from Omenako shortly. For those unfamiliar with the Omenako school project you can read the whole story here